#24335 Bug Important Try to be more clear when URLs could not be reached in netcli #24309 Bug Expected Mark AD monitoring / restart as experimental #24291 Bug Expected Increase timeout waiting for middlewared #24250 Bug Important Broken freenas-snmpd: py2 to py3 #24223 Bug Blocks Until Resolved RuntimeError: can't start new thread #24216 Bug Important Do not traceback if foreign key does not exist #24209 Bug No priority SNMPd zfs-snmp broken Deprecated lib in use #24200 Bug Important Request details not being reported to sentry #24199 Bug Important RC3 will not switch to the Nightly train #24185 Bug Expected AD monitoring disables AD when AD servers comes online #24171 Bug Nice to have hostname in debug file name will have a leading "b" #24168 Bug Expected update.get_pending may block for too long #24167 Bug Nice to have Decoding error in var log messages #24162 Bug Blocks Until Resolved Update samba to 4.6.4 #24161 Bug No priority GUI Shell gets stuck at loading. #24160 Bug Important Alert Traceback & Critical LAGG email #24159 Bug No priority CIFS auxiliary parameters field has a max length of 120char #24141 Bug Nice to have Use default timeout to setup system datasets #24140 Bug Expected Django response content expects bytes not str #24138 Bug Important Run datastore operations in a thread #24135 Bug No priority errors on console during boot: ConnectionRefusedError Errno 61 Connection refused #24134 Bug Nice to have Auto-start on VMs created in RC1/RC2 defaults to true #24126 Bug Nice to have Update iocage to latest stable release #24124 Bug Important Add devices for VM should display all available options #24119 Bug Expected Remove mismatched firmware alert #24073 Bug Expected arc_summary.py fails on FreeNAS 11.0-RC2: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>=: 'float' and 'int' #23941 Bug Nice to have Services top icon consistently stalls with "Loading..." when GUI is left idle for some time #24225 Bug Blocks Until Resolved smbd exited on signal 6 (core dumped) / after upgrade 9.10.2-U3 => 9.10.2-U4, samba bug #12798 #24251 Bug Important Errors Using Alert Service #24177 Bug Nice to have Unable to update from Corral to FN 11 #18958 Feature Important Active Directory gets disabled every time there is temporary communication issue with our Active Directory server